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Settling in…

Settling in is an important process when starting nursery. Here at Watcombe we offer two hour long settling in sessions and an optional home visit before starting. These sessions are vital for staff members and key workers to meet and get to know the children’s routines and interests and of course you the parents/carers.

Settling into nursery can be an anxious time for both parents and children, for some children it can be a quick process and for others it may take a little longer. If your child takes a little longer to settle try not to let this worry you. It is a natural emotion for children to become upset or anxious when entering a new environment. It is our job to make the settling in process as smooth as possible.

Helpful tips when starting nursery…

Make sure you talk about nursery as home, what toys your child might play with, key workers and friends. You could even look at our blogs to see if your child can spot themselves.

Don’t be tempted to sneak off when dropping your child into nursery, ensure you have said goodbye and remind them you’ll be coming back later. 

If you are going back to work it is beneficial to leave a couple of weeks free to settle your little one into nursery. Shorter sessions initially can ease them into the nursery routine.  

Be confident! If your confident and happy this will have an impact on your child, modelling positivity. 

Ask questions! If your are unsure of anything regarding the nursery, staff members are happy to help, so feel free to ask questions. 

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