As part of our all-inclusive approach, we provide a full range of meals, snacks and drinks for your child during their day at our nursery. A typical day will include:
Breakfast until 8:30
Lunch 11:30
Snack 15:00
We believe that eating healthily is extremely important in the development of young children. We recognise that children should be able to enjoy food as well as learn good behaviours for the future.
We acknowledge that sugary foods and drinks, fatty foods or foods containing additives are almost unavoidable in the modern diet. However we have tried our best to plan our menus to minimise these influences and encourage enjoyment of a wide range of foods, including organic and multi-cultural produce.
Treats and snacks will be displayed on the notice board in the room.
We encourage children, where appropriate, to get involved in the planning and preparation of snacks. Snacks will include foods such as raw vegetables, fruit, cheese, toast, milk and water.
Our milk kitchen in the baby unit will be responsible for storing and preparing all formula and expressed milk. Mothers will be able to breast feed at the nursery during the day if they wish to.
We welcome suggestions from parents on any aspect of the children’s meals and snacks.
Please see our healthy eating policy for more details.
Parents are advised to bring in a pack nappies, nappy cream and some wetwipes to keep in the nursery. You will be notified when we are running low, so you bring some more in when you are in next.
We use Boots Soltan Hypoallergenic Suncare Lotion, which is already within your fees. If you would like your child to try some before use then please speak to your key worker. You are also welcome to bring in your own, with your childs name on the container.
Potty Training
Children need to feel comfortable about potty training. At Watcombe Children’s Centre Nursery all children will learn to use a potty at their own pace, without any pressure. We will continue at nursery what your child is used to doing at home. Staff will be happy to discuss the process with you at any time.
A good month before your child is due to start at the nursery you need to give the nursery a call to book some settling in sessions for your child, and to confirm your child’s start date. Each child needs to bring to nursery:
Changes of clothes in case of accidents, including waterproofs. Please make sure these are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Nappies, baby wipes and nappy cream,
Food for your child, if you wish to provide your own.
Comforters or dummies that they may need throughout the day. Please make sure that these are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Sun hat in the summer and hat, gloves, scarf and wellies in the winter. Even if it is cold we will still be going out on trips, nature walks and out to play in the garden. Please make sure that these are clearly labelled with your child’s name. We ask you to provide sun cream if the one we use is not suitable for your child.
Plenty of clean, changes of clothes. Your child will get messy, especially in our large garden. Please ensure that your childs bag is checked daily, to remove wet and dirty clothes, and replace with clean ones.
Old T-shirts would be great for any art and craft activities, as children do tend to get very messy. We will be using aprons during these activities but cannot guarantee your child’s clothes staying clean throughout the day.
Lots of spare clothes if potty training is in progress. Accidents do tend to happen when they are busy enjoying themselves.
We ask parents not to use plastic bags for their children’s belongings, as a safety precaution.
Staffing Philosophy
Our staff are selected very carefully, not only for their qualifications and experience but also for their love of children. We understand that continuity of care for the children is paramount and for that reason we are totally committed to promoting staff loyalty. There is nothing worse for a child's development at nursery than to experience constantly changing faces due to staff turnover.
Our Ratios
Our staff to child ratios are guided by the Ofsted regulations for nursery age children as follows:
Staff-Child Ratio
Under 2 years - 1 adult to 3 children
2 -3 years - 1 adult to 4 children
Over 3 years - 1 adult to 8 children
At Watcombe Children’s Centre nursery, it is our policy to operate at the statutory minimum at all times. A qualified and experienced member of staff cares for each group of children.
The national standards require the person in charge of a nursery and the deputy to have an appropriate level 3 qualification or qualified teacher status that specialise in the early years. In addition, at least half of the remaining staff must hold an appropriate level 2 qualification.
Our policy is to exceed statutory requirements, encouraging staff to develop their qualifications and to attend courses in areas such as special needs, equal opportunities and behaviour management. We expect all staff to obtain First Aid and Food Hygiene qualifications within six months of appointment, and to keep these up to date.
Key Person System
Please click on the picture below to find out more about a Key Person and why we use them
Please do not hesitate to contact the manager, Clare Chamberlain who will be only too happy to address any issues. If she is unavailable and the matter is urgent, then the Deputy Manager, Natasha Perry, who will be able to help.
In the unlikely event that an issue is not addressed satisfactorily, we have a Grievance Procedure which outlines our escalation process. Parents may also contact the Chairperson of Directors.
If we have any concerns over the development of your child then we will discuss these with you on an informal basis. We would hope that together we can identify the appropriate help that may be needed.
If the concerns are affecting your child’s development we can provide a fuller assessment by contacting your Doctor or Health Visitor, and with your permission, provide relevant feedback and observations.
Watcombe Children’s Centre Nursery would assist in implementing an assessment or referral if a child had special needs. The earlier a child is diagnosed with a problem e.g. hearing loss, the earlier treatment can be prescribed.
We need to know all about your child to enable us to help your child settle. We ask you to complete a ‘all about me’ form for your child which will be available on your Tapestry account. Which lets us know more about your child or any issues or concerns you may have.
We ask you to complete all other relevant forms given to you prior to your child starting at the nursery.
We must have full details of how to contact you in case of an emergency, and have at least two other contactable people available in case we cannot reach you. You must let us know immediately if any of these details change.
We need to know about the collection arrangements for your child, if you change these arrangements we must be notified beforehand. We reserve the right to refuse collection of any child without prior notification to us of a change of person.
Please let us know if any of your details change, especially your phone number. Please email in any change of circumstances to
Our policy for the exclusion of ill or infectious children is discussed with parents. It is the nursery policy to encourage and promote good health and hygiene for all the children in our care. This includes monitoring the children for signs and symptoms of communicable diseases such as chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, hepatitis, diarrhoea, vomiting, and fevers and so on. With the welfare of the sick child in mind and in the interests of the remaining children in the nursery, if in our opinion a child is ill, then the parent/main carer will be contacted and requested to collect him/her as soon as possible.
The staff of the nursery must be convinced that the child has returned to good health before re-admitting him/her. In the case of a serious illness occurring then the parent/carer will be contacted immediately along with the child’s GP and appropriate action taken. In any situation of a parent not being available the senior staff member will assume charge and if necessary take the child along to hospital with all relevant details.
Ofsted is notified of any serious infectious disease, which a qualified medical person considers notifiable.
Exclusion details for illness/communicable disease are contained in the Spotty Book which we will refer to.
If we have two or more cases of a communicable disease we have an obligation to inform Devon Health protection Team to seek advice on minimising the spread of infection.
Exclusion Procedure for Illness/Communicable Disease
Disease/Illness Minimal Exclusion Period
Antibiotics / penicillin prescribe 48 hours from the first dose of medicine, unless you can show the child has had this strain of antibiotics before and had no allergic reaction.
Sickness / Diarrhoea - 48 hours from the last case of sickness and Diarrhoea.
Chickenpox - Until all spots have dried out and usually 7 days from the appearance of the rash
Gastroenteritis, food poisoning, salmonella - Until authorized by District Community Physician
Infective hepatitis - 7 days from onset of jaundice
Measles - 7 days from appearance of the rash
Meningococcal infection - Until recovered from the illness
Mumps - Until the swelling has subsided and in no case less than 7 days from onset of illness
Whooping cough - 21 days from the onset of paroxysmal cough
Rubella (German measles) - 4 days from appearance of the rash
Scarlet fever and streptococcal Infection of the throat - Until appropriate medical treatment has been given and in no case les than 3 days from the Start of treatment.
Impetigo - 24 hours from the first application of cream. If around the mouth until the spots have cleared.
Conjunctivitis - Until the eyes have stopped weeping.
We ask that you do not send your child to nursery if they are sick. If we have to contact you because your child is unwell we ask that you respond immediately.
We operate a 48-hour exclusion policy if your child has diarrhoea or sickness, as recommended by the Environmental Health Department.
If your child has an infectious disease e.g. chickenpox, we ask that they are completely free of infection before they return. We will accept advice from doctors or the NHS Direct. If your child is prescribed anti-biotics and is well enough to return to nursery before the dose is completed, we will give this for you.
At least 24 hours of taking any new medication must elapse before a child can be allowed back into the nursery. Please remember if a child returns to nursery before they are fully fit, they may infect other children, or catch another infection because their immunity is low.
If your child is on a prescribed medication then we will be able to give this on your behalf, subject to you signing the medication consent form. If your child is asthmatic and uses an inhaler, then we will need a spare one, which is clearly labelled with the pharmacy printed details for nursery. We really do ask for your co-operation over sickness and hope that you appreciate this.
If your child has an accident whilst at nursery we will tell you what happened and what action was taken. You will be asked to sign the accident form in your child’s room. If the accident is of a serious nature you will be contacted immediately.
If your child has an accident at home we ask that you tell us so that we are aware, and you will be asked to complete an accident form for our records.
Under the Child Protection Procedures if a significant injury is noticed, then we have a duty to inform the Child Protection Unit. They will then instruct us as to how the injury is investigated. At all times we put the welfare of the child as our primary concern. We do hope that you will understand our position on this.
We will be having regular parents meetings throughout the year. You will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their individual key worker, and look through their development reports and observations. This will also be a time to meet other parents and get a better understanding of your child’s day at nursery.
Throughout the year we will send questionnaires out to parents for feedback, idea’s and comments.
If your child has misplaced any items of clothing please check our lost property box, which is situated in the nursery. So please make sure your child’s clothing is clearly named.
We operate a NO SHOE POLICY in the 0-2's area at the nursery. There will be space available for your child’s shoes to be kept throughout the day. Please provide soft sole shoes, like slippers.