Photo snaps from this week ~ W/C 22/4/19
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter and bank holiday. The weather was amazing! It was good to be back and see all of our friends. Here are some things we have enjoyed this week!
We found some snails in the garden and made a bug hotel for them to explore!
We like to mark make out in the garden!
We used the mud kitchen to make our own dishes! Mud pie was our favourite!
Yoga was really fun this week! Lucy showed us how to stretch and we joined in with movements to the ‘Monkey Puzzle’ story.
In the side room we have enjoyed junk modelling! We have made some really good models using glue, glitter, paper and other materials.
We sadly said goodbye to Josie and Jennie this week. Josie is leaving to enjoy a new venture with her amazing dancing and childcare skills and Jennie is off on maternity leave to relax before she welcomes her baby girl. We will miss them both lot’s but I’m sure we will see them soon. Good Luck girls 🙂