What is Safeguarding?
It means the protection of children within our nursery from abuse and maltreatment, including child protection, recruitment of suitable people, medication, accidents, illness and emergencies, suitability of the premises and equipment, health and safety.
The protection of children, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children is the first priority of Watcombe Children’s Centre Nursery.
Watcombe Children’s Centre Nursery has written procedures to follow, if a child is thought to be at risk of abuse, neglect or sexual exploitation.
There are two designated members of staff for Child Protection at Watcombe Children’s Centre Nursery, who have both attended Child Protection training and have a remit for ensuring Watcombe Children’s Centre Nurseries Child Protection procedures are up to date, followed and staff are aware of their roles and current local and national policies.
The designated Safeguarding Leads for Child Protection are: Clare Chamberlain and Rebecca Hele.
The designated Director for Child Protection is: Nik Salter.
The above leads can be contacted at any time, whether they are working or not, should their advice be needed on a safeguarding issue. All staff will be advised of this at induction and further training. Contacts - Telephone (01803)316959 or email
The Child Protection Officer is also responsible for the provision of Child Protection training as part of the induction for new members of staff and providing on-going training for all staff. This includes Prevent and how British values support a healthy society.
Staff will all be aware of the possible signs and symptoms of children at risk and are aware of their responsibility to:
Report concerns to Children’s Services and the police
Keeps concerns confidential
Inform the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) if it is alleged to have taken place on the premises or by a member of staff.
Watcombe Children’s Centre Nursery insists all visitors’ sign into the setting via the visitors’ book stating their name, time of arrival and departure. They will be accompanied at all times by a staff member and never left alone with a child other than their own.
Staff members will undertake a DBS at enhanced level (Disclosure and Barring Service) and further vetting checks required by OFSTED. Until these checks have come back satisfactorily staff members will not commence working at the setting. Staff also have to sign up to the DBS Update service, so that we can check on everyones DBS twice a year.
No students or volunteers are left alone with children and will always be supervised.
Our Safeguarding Policy can be found HERE