Garden Blog

Welcome back to the Garden Blog! Over the last few months, the children have been very busy in the garden. They have prepared the soil using a range of tools to help to develop their gross motor skills: these have included rakes, spades, forks and trowels. Small seeds have been planted. We have made a herb garden- which is a great asset for sensory development. Currently, we have parsley, thyme, lavender, chives, sage, oregano and lemon balm. If you would like to contribute to our herb garden, please feel free to do so. In our greenhouse we have grown strawberries and tomatoes- which we are beginning to pick ready for snack times. In the main beds- we have planted onions, potatoes, runner beans, garlic, pumpkins, carrots, sweet peas and rhubarb.

As the children harvest the fruit and vegetables you will see a box in the entrance- please feel free to help yourselves. We hope you enjoy it!